The Bradbury Building, built by mining and real estate millionaire Lewis Bradbury in 1893, is the oldest commercial building remaining in the central city. Behind its unassuming Romanesque exterior, lies a lacework of Belgian marble staircases, filigreed railings and Victorian-style cage elevators, and a light-filled courtNcapped by a 100 foot-high dome.
George Wyman, the young draftsman who designed the building, was influenced by Edward Bellamy’s 1887 best selling book Looking Backward, a depiction of a shimmering utopian civilization in the year 2000. Completely restored in 1990s as part of the Yellin Company’s Grand Central Square Project, the Bradbury Building's unique inner beauty glows as brightly today as it did a hundred years ago.
Location: 304 South Broadway
Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-6pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am-5pm |