When the Eastern Outfitting Company and Columbia Outfitting Company moved into their new 13-story headquarters in 1930, the building was one of tallest in downtown. Claud Beelman’s design was showy, too.
Built of reinforced concrete, the Eastern Columbia Building is clad in shimmering turquoise terra cotta with deep blue and gold trimming. Flying buttresses and a four-sided clock tower emblazoned with the name ’Eastern’ in neon are its crowing glory. Below, sunburst patterns, geometric shapes, stylized animals and plant forms, zigzags, and chevrons splash across the fa?ade and onto the terrazzo sidewalks surrounding the Broadway and Ninth Street entrances. The interior is just as dramatic. Inside the main building ntrance is a spectacular two-story vestibule, accented with a blue and gold terra cotta sunburst.
Location: 849 S. Broadway
Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm |