It is the land of cultural heritage and diverse linguistic. Languages spoken here over the years, fall into the general categories as Celtic and Germanic languages, classification of Pictish language was controversial once but now it is generally accepted to another Celtic language. Primary language spoke today are Lowland Scots, Scottish England and Gaelic.
Scotland's Celtic languages cab further subdivided into 3 groups, Goidelic languages known as Q-Celtic, Brythonic languages known as P-Celtic and Pictish languages. This seems to have distinct from each other and are these groups are know as collectively insular Celtic languages.
Goidelic language in Scotland is spoken and arrived via Ireland. It was because of growing influence of Kingdom of the Dalriada from 6 th century onwards.
Language is still spoken in some parts of Scottish Highlands and Hebrides, in the cities of Scotland by the communities living there.
Formerly, it was spoken over far wider areas, even in recent past as the evidenced. It is extinct dialect of the Scottish Gaelic that was spoken in the southwest Scotland.
This language is generally understood as an insular Celtic language, it is distinct from both Brythonic and Goidelic languages. It may have spoken form the Shetland down to fife, pushed back as Brythons, Anglo-Saxons and Northern Britain.
Early Scot was emerging literary language of Middle English spoken parts of the Scotland before 1450. Then it became language of Anglic-speaking in period 1450-1700.
It was the turn developed in Scots and called Lowland Scots, language is made up by many different dialects, so that no one said to be true Scots. Diversity of language can be seen as mark of the pride among local Scots. Variety of dialects are there including Doric of north east, Shetlandic and Orcadian. The Norn influences two northern dialects of language.