
Washington State

Washington Water

It is said Washington has more boats per capita than any place else in the nation. Its not hard to see why.

Everywhere you turn, Washington has water. Playing on, in or by the water is one of the fun past-times indulged year-round.

The largest community festival in the Pacific Northwest, SeaFair, takes place on the water in Seattle. ( Not surprising as Seattle itself is surrounded by water.Elliot Bay, the Puget Sound, Lake Union and Lake Washington each offer cruising, sailing, windsurfing, kayaking, swimming, water-skiing, paragliding, ferry riding and float plane rides. Some locals even play water polo in rubber duckies on all but the stormiest days. Ever tried scuba diving for geoduck? How about tying up to a log boom to watch fireworks on July 4th?  Here are a few exceptional ways to experience Washington's H2O.

BEACHSIDE BOUNTY -- Click here for more information.

COLUMBIA RIVER GORGE -- Click here for more information.

HIGH & LOW, FAST & SLOW -- Click here for more information.

HOUSEBOAT GETAWAYS -- Click here for more information.

INLAND SEA -- Click here for more information.

MOUNTAIN LAKES -- Click here for more information.

RIVERS -- Click here for more information.

SEATTLE WATERFRONT -- Click here for more information.

WATER IN THE DESERT -- Click here for more information.